Schnellpresse Printing with Ernst Hanke and Patrick Wagner at Litografiska Museet

Описание к видео Schnellpresse Printing with Ernst Hanke and Patrick Wagner at Litografiska Museet

At the Lithography Museum in Sundby Gård, Sweden. Printing stone lithography on a Johannisberger Maschinenfabrik Steindruck Schnellpresse from 1897.
Master printer Ernst Hanke (Switzerland) and printer Patrick Wagner (Germany/Sweden) working together with artists Ellen Ekman, Gunnar Foley, Olivia Gaia Berg Pedersen, Erik Thörnqvist and Maiken Buus.

Haphazardly filmed with a Gopro Hero5 while printing, this video gives an insight into the beauty that is printing stone lithography on a Schnellpresse. Under the guidance of Master Printer Ernst Hanke several editions are printed. Not so much a technical demonstration or a how to on how to make stone lithography, more like a work diary.
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(Note for the hearing impaired: This video is titled, no voice-over, no background music. Occasionally people are speaking, mostly inaudible or irrelevant, if relevant then there's hard subs in the video. Audible is atmosphere and the heavy, physical rumbling of the 7.5ton press in motion. It's kinda like standing close to a steam locomotive that just starts moving.)


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