Once you've launched your website, it's unfortunately not a set-it-and-forget it tool. To keep your website effective, there are several features to keep updated over time.
Check out the vlog here: https://tinyfrog.com/you-launched-you...
Hello, this is Mikel with TinyFrog Technologies. I want to talk a little bit about postlaunch, once you launch your website.
A website is an evolving entity, it should change and evolve with your business and especially how it impacts your business and your marketing and getting business and business development and getting leads and so forth and so on.
So, it's a really good question to ask yourself, "Now that my website is launched, what's next?". So and a lot of companies, you know, they don't really know what to do with their website after that.
So, first thing is how to keep your website active. We definitely recommend having a blog on your website and updating that regularly, you know once or twice or four times a month. That's the first thing, you're putting together a strategy for that. Another thing is in terms of the blog is you don't only have to have written content, you could have resources you're finding.
Doing videos is great like this video that I'm creating here, that we're creating, is going to be posted on our blog and we do that, you know, several times a month. That's a great way to make your blog more interesting and engaging.
Another thing is just keeping your website updated regularly, doing a, you know, quarterly or biannual audit of your website, making sure everything's relevant, making sure everything's up to date because things always are changing on your business in terms of who your team is and how you're describing your services and so forth and so on.
Another important thing is to make sure you have analytics tied into your website. Google analytics is the most common platform for that and I would recommend setting it up so you're getting reports delivered to you every month so you can begin to analyze those reports to basically determine, you know, What pages are people visiting? How much traffic are we getting? Where are they coming from? Then, you can really begin to you know cultivate or update and revise your marketing strategies to tie into that traffic that you're getting.
Most people neglect that, don't even think about their website as part of their marketing strategy and I've done another video on this called Hub and Spoke but the website should really be the Hub of your marketing and all the marketing channels should tie into that, like email marketing and social media marketing and Google AdWords and your blog and so forth and so on.
So that's another thing, how are your marketing strategies tied into your website and are you driving traffic to the website and are you making sure you're taking full advantage of the traffic that's coming to your website?
So, there's a lot to do with your website after it launches. These are some of the main things to consider and it's probably a good idea once your website launches to sit together, sit down, you know, potentially briefly with your website team or your marketing team, if you have an outsource marketing company, to really sit down and ask yourself that particular question: Now that our website is launched, what's next? Thank you!
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