USA vs China trade war will become World War 3 | full details | Zes TV |

Описание к видео USA vs China trade war will become World War 3 | full details | Zes TV |

The world’s leading superpowers are locking horns. Over the past Years USA and China have been trading blows through tariffs on goods. The impact is being felt on industries worldwide. But what is the story behind the America-China trade war?

So the trade war, what have you guys been looking at? The US doesn’t like that China is growing so fast and set to overtake America as the biggest economy in the world if it hasn’t already by certain measures. Basically China and the US are caught in this race of imposing tariffs on each other so the US slaps a high tariff on certain products then China retaliates.
In this video we will know will this trade war is going to be World's biggest war??


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