BEAUTIFUL FALL COLOURS in Canada Algonquin Park Autumn Ambience | 4K UHD tv

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BEAUTIFUL FALL COLOURS in Canada Algonquin Park Ontario Autumn Colors 4K video best for 4k tv
If visiting Algonquin Park during mid-September to early October, you will observe the colour change of the Sugar Maples and Red Maples. This fall colour covers hills in orange and red colours and is best observed at locations with expansive views such as trails and views across water. The fall colours alone make a trip to Algonquin Park worthwhile, especially if you catch the spectacular colors from mid-September to mid-October. While hard to determine the exact peak of the Sugar Maple and Red Maple fall colour, it is typically the last week of September or the first week of October. Shortly after, the poplars (aspens), Tamaracks, and Red Oaks hit their best and put on another interesting show before giving way to a more subdued November. Fall Colors in Algonquin Park - The best time for fall colour watching in Algonquin Park is usually from the third week of September through the second week of October. Weather conditions, summer rainfall (or lack of it), wind and many other factors influence the timing and duration of fall colour season. Due to the latitude and elevation of the park, Algonquin’s foliage change tends to start earlier than other nearby areas in Haliburton or Muskoka. This is feel good video UHD 4K video best for 4k tv relax ambience and autumn ambience, autumn leaves, music autumn, autumn of creation in Muskoka.
Algonquin Provincial Park is a provincial park located between Georgian Bay and the Ottawa River in Ontario, Canada, mostly within the Unorganized South Part of Nipissing District. Established in 1893, it is the oldest provincial park in Canada. Feel good video UHD 4K video best for 4k tv
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