英國混血model嫁怕醜仔港男住銅鑼灣百呎劏房為儲錢買樓 網民批死離婚 老婆:「人們總覺得靚女應嫁有錢人」

Описание к видео 英國混血model嫁怕醜仔港男住銅鑼灣百呎劏房為儲錢買樓 網民批死離婚 老婆:「人們總覺得靚女應嫁有錢人」

Posting this just for memories.
For those who didn't know, back in April I was on Apple Seed which was part of Apple Daily's news channel ~ They interviewed Kurt and I on how we met and how we live in such a small nano flat.
Sorry I don't have English subtitles for this!
I am not the owner of this video. The content was created by Apple Daily.


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