Mic est maousse AD+ ... this is the fifth pich 5a - (only for climbers)

Описание к видео Mic est maousse AD+ ... this is the fifth pich 5a - (only for climbers)

I, 105m, 1 -2 hours. Start where the rock steepens and solidifies. This is just to the left of the ridge crest, on a ledge a couple of metres up and left from the foot of the buttress, at a piece of white tat threaded through a drilled hole. The route is fully bolted.
1) 4a, 18m. Climb an easy slab, step left and follow big flaky holds to two bolts on a ledge.
2) 4b, 20m. Follow the ridge easily from the belay to a small col with a steep 4m corner on the right. Climb this to a sloping ledge with two bolts which, awkwardly enough, are a metre or so apart.
3) 4b, 12m. Take the ramp on the left of the belay to a 5m corner on the right. After climbing this, the belay is 3m further up the ridge on the left.
From here, scramble along the ridge via the odd bolt to where it ends. Drop down left and walk round to the foot of the next pitch, which starts on a slab to the right of a corner.
4) 5a, 18m. The first bolt is hard to spot but it is there, 4m up on the left. Start at the foot of a groove, which you gain via a short slab. Follow this for 8m then step left onto a ledge with another groove above it. Climb this and then the hand-jamming crack and flakes above.
Scramble along the ridge behind and either make a 20m abseil off a metal ring, or continue until the ridge ends after 50m. Come back round onto the Chamonix side and walk to the final pitch, which is 5m onto the far side of a small col. There is an excellent 6a pitch next to the abseil line for those who fancy a bit of tougher climbing. The rock is superb, so hopefully more routes will be bolted on this wall.
5) 4b, 35m. Climb flakes and a vague groove for 15m to a grassy ledge. Follow this left into a grass filled groove which leads to a slab above. The belay is off a single bolt, which also serves as the final belay on Crakoukass


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