Traditional Halaqa - Luton April 2013

Описание к видео Traditional Halaqa - Luton April 2013

Shifa Trust is honored to announce the 24th Traditional Halaqa Course.   / traditionalhalaqa  

5th April - 12th April 2013

Shaykh Samir al-Nass (Syria)
Ustad Tanweer Hussain (UK)
Ustad Noorud-Deen Rashid (UK)
Ustad Haroon Hanif (UK)

Westbourne Road Dars
Jamia Islamia Ghousia
23 Westbourne Rd


Tajweed: Correcting the recitation of The Holy Quran.

Beginners Fiqh/Aqeeda: Based on Ilm ul Hal

Detailed Fiqh: taught from "The Hanafi Fiqh Manual" compiled by Ustadh Haroon Hanif

Ulum ul Quran: Learn how the Quran was revealed, the types of revelation, the compilation of the Qur'an, the Makkan and Madinian verses, the abrogating and abrogated verses, and much more

Tafsir: Al Fatiha & the last ten Surahs

Hadith: The students will get a chance to study in-depth the meanings and lessons learnt of some of the most famous and important prophetic sayings.

Open Q & A Sessions: Every evening giving you the opportunity to ask any question to our noble teachers.

Nasheed by Talib Al Habib - La ilaha illallah


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