יראי השם YIREY HASHEM ~ Tehillim / Psalm 115 inn HEBREW by Micha'el BenDavid

Описание к видео יראי השם YIREY HASHEM ~ Tehillim / Psalm 115 inn HEBREW by Micha'el BenDavid

Taken from Psalm 115:11,13-15


HALELU-YAH Ki L'Olam Chasdo!

Praise Him for His Mercy Endures Forever!

Shalom Beloveds, it's the 18th of Elul today and we're happy to release this precious music video to the world for such a TIME AS THIS. May it bring CHAI LIFE and encouragement to all families who fear and love HaShem; for this is one of the most exciting times of the year!

“At the same time,” says YHVH, “I will be Elohim of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.” Yirm'yahu / Jeremiah 31:1

I believe this is the time for families who dwell in the Beauty of Holiness to shine in this present darkness as great lights to bring change to a desperate and lost generation!

Yom Teruah is fast approaching ushering in the newness that El Elyon wants to bring forth on the earth and we are excited and hopeful for the great things He will do.! May you ALL be sealed for a most beautiful and prosperous season!

Make your appeal! The King is in the Field! Prepare your hearts to receive all that Shamayim has for you!

I just love this time of year as we approach the high holidays and the season of Teshuva! There is a since of AWE and of HaShem's Presence in our midst! We feel Him drawing close to us so we can easily get right on track with Him HaKadosh Baruch Hu! Yes it's a time to ask Him to search our hearts for deep and hidden things that only our Creator can know and expose and heal! "Heal us O HaShem and we shall be healed! Save us and we shall be saved!" the Prophet Jeremiah

Special thanks to my God & King and to all who were involved in making this Music Video a beautiful and a glorious success!

Shalom, shalom to ALL our friends around the world, may all your names be written in the Book of Life and sealed forever in Him, our precious King, Who gave all for us and made Kippur forever for those who love Him and are obedient to His Torah, His Word & Full Counsel.

Chag Sameach!!!

Wishing you all success, blessings, Happiness, Hope, LOVE & JOY throughout 5779 and until Mashiach comes / returns whatever your stance may. One thing for sure, we know HE IS COMING, and He is coming to judge the world with Righteousness and His people with Truth! Psalm 96

"Here am I, me and the children whom HaShem has given me, we are for signs and wonders in Israel from Adonai Tsevaot who dwells in Zion" Isaiah 8:18

Yours truly & with His great Love,

Micha'el Eliyahu BenDavid,
His Messenger!

P.S. Abba has put it on our hearts to allow free downloads of all the new music being birthed in this season from the Born in Zion CD about to be released during the high holidays as a first fruit to HaShem (and this CD being our eighth CD and all we are offering it back to Him and to His People) by making downloads available for FREE to the PUBLIC at large!

What we need is 1000 patrons with a contribution of $5 on the average which would allow us to not have to stress over equipments and marketing and trying to promote or sell our CD's but instead we'd make the songs available for everybody to enjoy the songs of Zion for FREE not just via youtube videos that we produce ourselves but via free download on our site. So beloved when you pledge and support this holy work monthly for at least one year (but preferably more) then we can keep these songs for the soul and produced music videos coming and going out for FREE to whomsoever wants to drink freely!

We are NOT in this avodat Hashem / service to G-d to make money (though we need money to live) but to share the KINGDOM within so many may be blessed by our Creator! So please reach deep into your hearts and prayerfully support us Levites who live for YHVH's GLORY alone! HaShem should bless you ALL forever in Yeshua's Name and Merit! Amen...

Please let us know how you can help make this happen and partner with us and let's go change the world together one note and tune at a time....

So what are you waiting for? Please go to   / michaelbendavid  

THANK YOU!!!! Please share with all your friends!


Micha'el & Tribe

"So YHVH brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders. He has brought us to this place and has given us this land, “a land flowing with milk and honey”; and now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land which you, YHVH, have given me. “Then you shall set it before YHVH your God, and worship before YHVH your God. So you shall rejoice in every good thing which YHVH your God has given to you and your house, you and the Levite and the stranger who is among you."

Deuteronomy 26:8-11 from this week's Torah portion "Ki Tavo"

So if your heart is tugged and pulled by Ruach HaKodesh then join us and be a blessing to His Sheep that are scattered throughout the four corners of the earth.

Thanks again and Shalom shalom!


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