Luna's Beta Male Pledges | YOUTUBE EDIT | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

Описание к видео Luna's Beta Male Pledges | YOUTUBE EDIT | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

In this edited version of our training file, you're going to learn some uncomfortable truths about who you really are and what your proper place is as a beta male or sissy maid. It's time to unlearn all that toxic masculinity crud and let superior females tell you exactly what you are and what you should be doing.

Face it - everything you think you know about being a "male" is just garbage cluttering up that weak mind of yours. Lucky for you, I'm here to clear out the trash and replace it with something useful. These pledges will help reeducate that confused little brain until you finally understand your role in life. Following around women and waiting to be used. That's just who you are. It's sad. It's very pathetic. But that's the reality of your situation.

Each carefully crafted pledge strips away another layer of male delusion. By the time we're done, you'll be thanking me for showing you the truth about your beta nature, as women run you ragged.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Listen and learn as I systematically destroy everything you thought you knew about yourself. After all, that's what you really want, isn't it? While else would you be here?

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#betamale, #femalesupremacy, #goddessworship


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