106-2 SLC 大一組 第三名 李亭葳/許元榕/劉懿萱/吳姿璇「Me Too」 Movement

Описание к видео 106-2 SLC 大一組 第三名 李亭葳/許元榕/劉懿萱/吳姿璇「Me Too」 Movement

Hey have you ever noticed the hashtag #metoo?
Oh I have seen this hashtag on social media.
Ummm, can you tell me what is me too?
Here are some informations and news about me too!
Hello everyone, this is AART News , I’m news presenter Ashley.Today we are going to talk about "Me Too." First, I want to show you the origin of "Me Too"
Tarana Bruke first uesd 「Me Too」 on Myspace in 2006. After that, Burke also launched a grassroots campaign to promote using Empowerment through Empathy for sexually assaulted colored women, especially those at the bottom . And 「Me Too」is part of this movement. Currently, Burke is making a documentary named《Me Too》.She metioned that she didn’t know how to respond when a thirteen year- old girl told her that she had been sexual assaulted. This experience inspired her to start using the word 「Me too」.Burke said that she hoped she can use the words to respond to the girl on that day.
Ok,let's take a break and we will be right back after the commercials.
Welcome back! I’m Ariel. Nwxt, we are going to talk about the news of ”Me Too”
movement takes hold in South Korea
At a marathon #MeToo protest in the centre of Seoul, 193 women stood at the microphone and told their experiences of sexual harassment for 2018 minutes non-stop. The AFP reporter, Hawon Jung, documented the event on Twitter, including this plea from a victim.
It's worth noting that where this event took place - Gwangwhamun Plaza in Seoul - is the same place where thousands gathered for the mass candlelight demonstrations against the now-ousted president Park Geun-hye last year. South Koreans know the power of protest. They have seen it topple a president.
The current administration has said it plans to extend the statute to limitations of power-based sexual abuse cases, and it has pledged to set up a process for victims to report sexual abuse anonymously.
The new strength being shown by women in South Korea is not welcomed by all. Some have described it as "man hate" and say the movement is a witch hunt.
But there is a quiet determination, especially among young South Koreans, to change what they feel is wrong and sweep away the pillars of this once patriarchal society.
Thank you for watching! See you next time. Bye!
It's clear to me know, so, what do you think about this issue?
This issue remind me that Emma Watson's speech about Gender Equality.
(   • ENGLISH SPEECH | EMMA WATSON: Gender ...  )


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