Tricolored Munia, characteristic light gray beak, congregates in small flocks in wet grasslands

Описание к видео Tricolored Munia, characteristic light gray beak, congregates in small flocks in wet grasslands

Tricolored Munia has a length of 8 - 10 cm, wingspan of 3 - 4 cm, weight of 0.04 - 0.05 lb
Males tend to have more pronounced ridges and their pasterns are 1 - 1.3 cm
Immature birds have light brown upperparts, lack the dark head of adults, and have uniform white underparts that can be confused with juveniles of other species of munias, for example like birds with chest scales.
Adults' irises are brown and their beaks are light blue-gray. The legs and feet are gray, as are the scales, but they are darker.
Adult Tricolored Munia are black from the head to the throat and chest, from the abdomen to the lower part of the tail and thighs.
Between the chest, belly and flanks, it is white.
The back, wings, and tail are a warm chestnut color.
The flight feathers are dark brown and the underwing coverts range from white to cream. The rump is chestnut red in color
In females, the edge of the upper tail covert is paler, often with a yellow border on the covert and on the central tail feathers.

Tricolored Munia is native to Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, southern China.
This species has also been introduced into the Caribbean, in Trinidad, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Venezuela. This species closely resembles chestnut munia, known as black-headed munia.

Tricolor Munia has a unique courtship ritual between males and females.
These birds court with song and dance in lakes or on vines,
Courtship first begins with the male flying around with a long strand of grass in his beak. He will then perch next to a female, drop the blade of grass, and begin the dance
The male will bob his head up and down and as he becomes more energetic, if the female accepts the courtship, she will lower herself to an almost horizontal position, head turned towards the male, agreeing to pair up, The success rate of static dispersion is over 98%.
The Tricolored Munia is a small flock-living bird that feeds mainly on grains and other seeds. They live in wet grassland environments.
Tricolored Munia can also be found in tropical lowland moist forest habitats.

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