ChatterBox Mesh Off-Grid Secure Texting Intro and Demo (LoRa)

Описание к видео ChatterBox Mesh Off-Grid Secure Texting Intro and Demo (LoRa)

ChatterBox is a secure communication device, which uses LoRa frequencies and smart mesh delivery to enable local texting when you are not able to use cell services, WiFi, or other grid services.

This is a demo of the latest software, showing how to configure a device, create a cluster, and onboard new devices into your cluster. Another iteration of the prototype will be coming soon, as I'm increasing the screen size, and hopefully that will be the last change before I can begin working with a manufacturer.

I am working to scale up production of these devices so they can become available to anyone. There will likely be a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the manufacturing, so keep an eye out for that.

You can follow the project at


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