🖊 How to fill out Modelo EX15: Request the NIE in Spain!

Описание к видео 🖊 How to fill out Modelo EX15: Request the NIE in Spain!

Download the Modelo EX15 here:

If you want to see an English Guide of the Modelo EX15 click here 👇

If you want to get a free consultation to solve all your doubts about the process to request your NIE click here 👇

or call here 👇
930 185 237

In this video, you will find the step-by-step process to fill out the Modelo EX15 and request your Foreigner Identity Number (NIE).

00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Downloading the Modelo EX15
01:15 - Section 1: Foreigner's Data
04:12 - Section 2: For legal representatives
04:26 - Section 3: Address for notification purposes
05:09 - Section 4: Data concerning the application
06:22 - Consent of the consultation of your data and Annexes
07:13 - Writing the province, date and signature
08:00 - Page for instructions
08:13 - Our Social Media

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