Chronicles Of Drunagor: Age of Darkness - Apocolypse Master All In Unboxing - Creative Games Studios

Описание к видео Chronicles Of Drunagor: Age of Darkness - Apocolypse Master All In Unboxing - Creative Games Studios

Hey family!

Join me at the table for my largest unboxing ever! My latest arrival - "Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness - Apocolypse" MASTER ALL IN Pledge!

Chronicles of Drunagor - Age of Darkness is a truly solo-able or fully cooperative dungeon crawler for 1-5 players. With such differentiating features as it's initiative system, multi layered map tiles, beautifully illustrated interactive decision points, and creeping darkness, combined with it's branching story-lines CoD-AoD is based on multiple 3D scenarios, each of them played separately or on a continuous storyline.

On a hero’s turn he can freely move up to 3 spaces (orthogonal and or diagonal are permitted) and spend 2 of his action cubes to trigger his abilities. If when passing his turn he no longer has any cubes on his available action cubes pool, he must perform a recall action. On a monster activation he will always move to attack the heroes. Or if he`s in range of his target he will attack without even move. Each monster has its own primary target located on his card at the initiative track. On the darkness activation, draw from the bag the number of darkness tokens dictated by the chosen adventure and follow the darkness rules for that adventure.

Apocalypse is a massive expansion to the already very well received Age of Darkness, providing 16 adventures that present new mechanics and level structures, unravel Drunagor's culture and mythology in an enhanced Campaign development experience where your choices will change the adventures you will face and the conclusion of your narrative.

The original game
Full detailed information is available directly on Gamefound's website:

Further game information available at

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