Orari Gorge Loop Track (Raw)

Описание к видео Orari Gorge Loop Track (Raw)

A spectacular route through a spectacular valley. This route is not always available for access due to farming operations or times of high fire risk however when the opportunity is there, I'd say pounce on it as it is a ripsnorter of a run!
Permission required from two Farming stations:
Orari Station ($10 p/v)
Blue Mountain Station ($50 p/v)
Closed from mid - October till Christmas for lambing. Access can also be inaccessible/closed at times of snow, flooding, or fire risk.
While this route normally doesn't pose any significant challenges, it is advisable to carry recovery equipment for this route.
A snorkel is not required for this route under normal water level conditions.
Rivers and streams in this area can flood quickly after heavy rain and become too dangerous to ford. Flash floods are also possible. It is not recommended to attempt this route around periods of heavy rain or heavy snow melt.

4x4Explorer track: https://www.4x4explorer.co.nz/article...
Grade 3 – 30km – 1 hour 15 min


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