Man Alone DESTROYS the Yes/No SoloRPG Decision Oracle using FACTS and LOGIC (and WHINING)

Описание к видео Man Alone DESTROYS the Yes/No SoloRPG Decision Oracle using FACTS and LOGIC (and WHINING)

In this BOMBASTIC video, famed solo roleplayer Man Alone (born Mannus Aloysius Archibald Alonie in 1886 Hamburger, New Jersey) topples the tyrannical regime of the YES/NO Decision Oracle. Despite multiple special interest groups pressuring him to NOT release this video, this brave whistle-blower hems and haws for almost an hour whilst bravely reaching NO conclusion. You don't want to miss this, watch now before the SGS (solo gaming syndicate) takes it down.

Boring Year Zero odds breakdown that I read four times because I, too, am boring:


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