TNO Post-Dikiy: Central Eurasian Republic | Russian Federation

Описание к видео TNO Post-Dikiy: Central Eurasian Republic | Russian Federation

As Mikhail Baganov was inspecting his officers, he spotted a familiar face: that of Vasily Shukshin. He had been missing for a long time, and was presumed to be dead until now. And since General Baganov's old age was catching up to him, he needed to choose a successor immediately. He immediately chose the random officer to be his successor due to him being a pragmatic leader in the first warlord era. Upon his death, Vasily Shukshin revealed himself: he had been using a fake name this entire time to avoid persecution from the Holy Russian Empire.

But Shukshin faced the same situation as his predecessor Mikhail Baganov; his old age of 73. Now, he must act quickly and reunite Russia for the 2nd West Russian War. Baganov was successfully able to set up a smuggling route from China to his country, and from there supplies like food and guns were slowly pouring in, so Shukshin could take advantage of that and reunite Russia for the war against the Reich.


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