GEMINI MERCURY Woman & Man ♊ Mentality & Communication 🧠Mercury in Astrology

Описание к видео GEMINI MERCURY Woman & Man ♊ Mentality & Communication 🧠Mercury in Astrology

GEMINI MERCURY Woman & Man ♊ Mentality & Communication 🧠Mercury in Astrology // Mercury in astrology says a lot about the mental process of your mind and your overall communication style. Having Gemini Mercury brings its own special form of communication, thought & intellect to the table. In today’s video, we will be expanding on what is Mercury in astrology and how having Mercury in Gemini, whether you are a Mercury in Gemini Man or Mercury in Gemini Woman, will impact the way you interact and think.

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🌠HUGE thank you to these beautiful souls that support me on Patron, I am eternally grateful for you 🙏🏻: Michelle✨Leslie✨Ashley

00:00 Intro
02:48 General Traits/Trait #1
05:27 Trait #2
08:17 Trait #3
11:14 Trait #4
12:21 Empowerment Tips


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▶ Intro Edit By: Pharealtho -

▶ Music:

Waking Dreams - Moments:    • Видео  

I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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Hola beautiful people! :) This channel will be dedicated to all things astrology, spirituality, and positive self-transformation! Thank you for being here and be sure to click subscribe and click to get notified when I release a video. :)
#geminimercury #mercuryingemini #marisalablue


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