SIG MPX 9mm | CS:GO Mod Showcase

Описание к видео SIG MPX 9mm | CS:GO Mod Showcase

I don't usually get request for specific weapons, but I did get one at Bilibili: a request for the SIG-Sauer MPX.
Looking up the characteristics of this weapon, the MPX sounds pretty cool so I decided to make one.

As the animation set is close to completion, several problems started to manifest.
First, this weapon had a grey texture, one of the side effects when converting from SurfaceGGX to VertexLitGeneric.
Second, as I continued working on the MPX, I realized that I don't enjoy too much of its look. Especially the barrel which is barely protruding out of the handguard.
Third, I wasn't getting the excitement I used to get when I'm finished with the animation, I felt that I missed something. As if I didn't make an animation unique enough to the MPX.

These are the problems I chose to disregard right until these problems became so mind-boggling I can't bear calling it finished at this state.

There is a reason why I don't wish to add separate reload animations or add attachments to the previous weapons I made: I wanted to stay consistent to the original weapons of CSGO, they don't have attachments (most of them don't) and they use only one reload animation. Also, I made my weapons so that they can be used in community servers where some extra constraints will be applied. But I don't think it matters as much now that I don't play official nor comm servers anymore.

With all of these combined, I hesitated at the uploading part, then I started looking up the weapon on YouTube. I noticed that many have added attachments which changed the impression of the gun for the better. That's when I decided to break the rules and add attachments to this weapon mod: by adding suppressors and optics. It really looks better to me now.

Other than that, I also added a non-empty reloads just for an extra. You might not have heard that CSGO is capable of having two reload animation. A look up on Zool's discord (special thanks to all the modders who left notes and memos for people like me to read), and a quick test here and there and I managed to get it working, and surprisingly quickly.
The mod is still usable in comm servers, just that the empty reload won't be used. But now that I learned the how, I might consider having two reload animations for future mods.
The inspect animation also has the player check the magazine and the bolt, the MP9's inspect is just too long to just look around the gun not doing anything.

Finally, I tinted the weapon black.

I think I also "forgot" the way of 4-point momentum, I couldn't get the jolt I wanted for the entire animating process. Maybe some more practice would get things right.
And so comes the final results as you see in the video. Hope you like it as much as I do now.

Just like last time. Remember when I said I aim to create something new every month? That didn't go so well.

I can't guarantee being able to take up any more request, but I might give it a shot if it's interesting enough.

Download, "studioMPX":

Credits :

-Weapon model by Insurgency Sandstorm ISMC Mod Team, New World
-Sound by Valve, New World
-Animation by [Me] #include[studio.h]

-Animation made using Blender 3D
-CSGO MIGI mod loader by Zool Smith


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