Dimwit the last mountainman - Custom sniper rifles. Krag and Mauser.

Описание к видео Dimwit the last mountainman - Custom sniper rifles. Krag and Mauser.

11 Krag rifles from Norway. 1 Swedish Mauser M96, and 1 German Mauser M98. All in calibre 6.5x55. Most of the Krag rifles are Konsberg, but some are Steyr. Most of the Krag rifles have the M94 receiver, but some have the improved and strenghtened M1912 receiver. One original M94 infantry Krag. Two customized hunting Krag. Three retro sniper Krag. Four modern sniper Krag. Both the Mausers have also been customized into modern sniper rifles. No national treassures were ruined building these rifles!


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