ConnectWise PSA (Manage) - Tips for Dispatching Tickets

Описание к видео ConnectWise PSA (Manage) - Tips for Dispatching Tickets

Learn TIps and Tricks to use Connectwise PSA's dispatch features to quickly schedule tickets.

Hi everyone, my name is Brendan Bastine. I am a process consultant with Gozynta’s Eureka Process and today I'm going to show you my favorite ways to dispatch tickets in Connectwise PSA. We're going to go under sales and then my list. My list is going to give you a comprehensive view of every task, activity, issue, project, opportunities, and tickets that may be assigned to you.

You can easily start working on these with the stopwatch feature, and once you finish working, you can hit stop and it will pop up a time entry window.

My second favorite way is to go to the dispatch portal. I'm going to select the view to the service board. Here you see I have everybody's schedule populated. I can simply take a ticket and place it on somebody's schedule. I can sort by priority, which will support by priority, then age. So I know that this ticket needs to be done first and then I can bring it up, create the appointment, and then send notification.

At the bottom, you have a list and your to dos. These are easily dragged up to the individual's day.

Second place I like to go is to my calendar.

Then I change the view to calendar with my list. This view is going to populate everything that I need to do within the coming weeks. You have a couple of options for the display type. If you leave it on schedule, you should be able to drag up your to do list on any given day and make these appointments as long as needed.

Brown indicates a project ticket and again you can simply slide it up.

Make it as long as needed. This is great for when you're scheduling meetings as well.

You can simply drag it up.

A sales call can also be dragged up and created. If you change your view from schedule to time with schedule Overlay, this will allow you to bring up the ticket that you've worked on and it'll pop up a time entry window. Enter your time.

Select save and close and you can update the status of the ticket. You can do the same thing for all tickets, just service requests or just projects that may be assigned to you.
(C) Eureka Process, a Gozynta company

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