Southern Ostrobothnia - Finland From Above - Relaxing 4K Drone Video

Описание к видео Southern Ostrobothnia - Finland From Above - Relaxing 4K Drone Video

(in English below)

Etelä-Pohjanmaalta löytyvät eräät maamme komeimmista viljelylakeuksista. Niiden laajuutta on helpompi arvostaa ilmasta käsin! Videolla näkyvä lakeus muodostuu mm. jo 1800-luvulla kuivatetusta Luopajärvestä.

Southern Ostrobothnia of Finland hosts some of the most magnificent farming plains (viljelylakeus) of the country. They are much more easy to be appreciated, when viewed from above! On this video, you can see the old Luopajärvi lake which was drained already in the 1800's.

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