AfterBurn Effect - what is it and does it work?

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What is the "AfterBurn Effect"? Does it work for burning calories?

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The After Burn Effect - this topic keeps coming up in bodybuilding and fitness discussions. A lot of fitness gurus try to make it out to be some big fancy complex method of training. Some savvy marketers have even gone so far as to create special "AfterBurn Workout Programs" trying to capitalize and sell the benefits of Afterburn training as the big secret to burning fat and the shortcut to getting six pack abs.

While this all sounds sexy and cutting edge, they are selling a ton of sizzle for every ounce of steak, because every single form of physical activity provides the "AfterBurn Effect".

Whenever you do any physical exercise your body burns calories during the exercise itself. But the exercise also raises your metabolism and continues burning calories at a higher rate than normal for a period of time afterwards while your body is recovering from that exercise.

Exercise places stress and demands on your body which breaks down muscle tissue. Your body then has to recover and rebuild this damage tissue. All of this burns a lot of calories. That's why people who exercise regularly need more calories than sedentary people. Not only are they burning calories from the actual exercise, but they are burning even more calories during the recovery process.

If you do a workout you are not only burning calories while you are in the gym exercising, but you continue burning calories after your workout is over while your body is recovering. This is what's known as the AfterBurn Effect of exercise.

The harder the workout, the greater the Afterburn. The easier the workout, the less of an Afterburn Effect you'll experience.

A challenging weight training workout that leaves you sore for several days will have a HUGE afterburn effect compared to going for an easy walk around the block.

So if you want to maximize the afterburn from your workouts, it's simple, just work harder - Duh!

Make sure to workout up a sweat, challenge yourself, push yourself, and strive to gradually increase your fitness level and work capacity overtime. If you do this than you can rest assured that you are getting a good AfterBurn Effect Workout.


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