SAKAE DRUM DAY 2015 - Hiroyuki Noritake feat Kenny Eliezer (Shed Session)

Описание к видео SAKAE DRUM DAY 2015 - Hiroyuki Noritake feat Kenny Eliezer (Shed Session)

Live from Sakae Drum Day 2015 at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, October 13, 2015

Hiroyuki Noritake feat Kenny Eliezer (Shed Session) on the last performances... This Shed Session happen without any preparation/practice before, it's just flowing ;)

Kenny Eliezer is the 1st Winner of Sakae Drum Competition 2015


Noritake uses

Drums :
Sakae Drum Celestial Series
Bass Drum 22x18
Floor Tom 16x15
Floor Tom 14x13
Tom Tom 12x8
Tom Tom 10x7

Sakae Japanese Birch 14x5,5 (Noritake Signature)
Sakae Maple Effect 12x5 - Amber Fade

Kenny uses

Drums :
Bass Drum : Almighty Maple - Kick 22x18
Floor Tom : Almighty Birch - Floor Tom 16x14 & 14x13
Tom Tom : Almighty Birch - Tom Tom 10x7 & 8x6,5

Snare : Sakae Brass Snare 14x5,5

Noritake endorses :
Sakae Drums
FB: chordozora
Twitter: chordozora
IG: chordozora

NOTE: Earphones / Headphones recommended #SakaeDrums


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