Описание к видео HOW TO MAKE CAKE POPS 🍰🍭

🍰🍭 To make cake pops, you’ll need:

- some cake! Any flavour you’d like is fine.

- some buttercream.

Add both to a bowl and mix with a hand mixer or stand mixer until a cookie-like dough forms. Since we’re using up leftover cake, measurements are not used. Instead, add buttercream to the cake until you have achieved your desired cake pop consistency.

Roll cake pop dough into 1 inch dough balls and place on a parchment paper lined tray in the freezer (1 hour minimum).

Melt some white/dark/or milk chocolate in a small bowl or cup.

Dunk a lollipop stick into the melted chocolate so that the end of the stick will have a “glue” for the cake pop dough to hold onto. Then add your cake pop dough ball to the stick.

Let stand until the chocolate is completely set.

Once set, dunk the cake pop into the melted chocolate to fully cover all the dough. Decorate with your favourite sprinkles and designs.

Enjoy! 🍭🍰


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