Using Autopilots to fly Instrument Procedures

Описание к видео Using Autopilots to fly Instrument Procedures

Real life #MasteryNotMinimums pro tips on how to best use autopilots on intrument approaches. A must watch webinar, please share with others

***Important clarification. I said in the webinar a couple of times that it is illegal to track a final approach segment of a VOR/LOC etc in GPS.... That's totally true but....
Several people reached out for clarification on the AIM 1-2-C-5 says you can if you monitor the ground based navaid at the same time."

So the short version is you cannot unless you double your workload and monitor a 2nd nav source at the same time while focusing on the GPS. To reduce workload, I don't reccomend it. I did want you to have all the correct info.

Thanks to everyone who reached out for clairification!!


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