雅言?鲁国方言?山东话?孔子教书用的是什么语言?| 开讲啦 The Voice

Описание к видео 雅言?鲁国方言?山东话?孔子教书用的是什么语言?| 开讲啦 The Voice

2022年4月20日,是第13个联合国中文日。12年前,联合国将中文日定在农历二十四节气中的第六个节气“谷雨”,以纪念“中华文字始祖”仓颉造字的贡献。《开讲啦》作为中国首档青年电视公开课,在这特殊的日子里,邀请北京大学对外汉语教育学院赵杨院长与四位好问青年和来自全球四十二个国家的青年共上一堂中文课, 感受中文的独特魅力。
April 20th, 2022 marks the 13th UN Chinese Language Day. Nearly 12 years ago, the United Nations decided to make the beginning day of the 6th Chinese solar term, Guyu, an international Chinese Language Day, in commemoration of Cangjie, a legendary figure believed to have invented the Chinese characters in ancient China.
For such a special occasion as China’s first open class for youth on TV, Voice invites Zhao Yang, dean of the School of Chinese as a Second Language in Peking University, to give a class to four inquisitive youth representatives and hundreds of young people from 42 countries across the world. Together, the students will explore the unique charm of the Chinese language.

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