Surface electromagnetic waves on resonant anisotropic metasurfaces | Oleh Yermakov

Описание к видео Surface electromagnetic waves on resonant anisotropic metasurfaces | Oleh Yermakov

Oleh Yermakov, ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Theoretical Seminar at The Department of Physics & Engineering, ITMO | 05/20/2020
Thesis proposal defense
"‘Dispersion and polarization peculiarities of surface electromagnetic waves on resonant anisotropic metasurfaces’"
Abstract: The miniaturization and planarization of the modern data transfer and processing technologies require tunable control over highly localized electromagnetic fields. The strong interaction of light with matter leads to the formation of a new hybrid state – surface plasmon-polariton which is a perfect candidate for the carrier of localized field. In this work, we study the multiplicity of the propagation regimes, wavefront shapes and polarization states of the surface plasmons on anisotropic, hyperbolic and self complementary metasurfaces. We discover both theoretically and experimentally new dispersion and polarization peculiarities of the surface waves at anisotropic metasurfaces including the hybrid TE-TM polarization, simultaneous propagation of two hyperbolic plasmons, dual-directional canalization and tunable spin-directional coupling. Finally, we demonstrate the broadband polarization degeneracy of surface waves at plasmonic metasurface and guided waves at dielectric metasurface resulting paving way towards flat near-field polarization devices.

0:00 Intro
00:00:41 Introduction (Optical devices)
00:01:38 Introduction (Near-field metasurfaces and surface waves)
00:02:31 Introduction (Surface Plasmon-Polariton applications)
00:02:42 Introduction (Open problems in surface waves control)
00:03:06 Introduction (Polarization degree of freedom)
00:03:06 Introduction (Polarization degree of freedom)
00:03:55 Thesis objective and structure
00:04:11 Chapter 1. Surface waves at anisotropic two-dimensional systems
00:04:16 Chapter 1: Surface conductivity tensor
00:04:51 Chapter 1: Surface conductivity tensor extraction and hyperbolic regime
00:06:06 Chapter 1: Hybrid TE-TM surface plasmons
00:06:51 Chapter 1: Different regimes of propagation
00:07:53 Chapter 1: Experimental investigation
00:08:37 Statement 1
00:08:57 Chapter 2. Tunable optical spin angular momentum of surface waves at anisotropic
00:09:03 Chapter 2: Angular momentum of light
00:09:20 Chapter 2: Spin AM of bulk and surface waves
00:10:01 Chapter 2: Tunable optical spin
00:11:37 Chapter 2: Experimental investigation of polarization hybridization
00:12:48 Statement 2
00:13:01 Chapter 3. Broadband polarization degeneracy of localized waves in metasurfaces
00:13:05 Chapter 3: Broadband polarization degeneracy of surface waves
00:13:37 Chapter 3: Broadband polarization degeneracy of guided waves
00:14:35 Chapter 3: Waveguide polarizer
00:16:13 Statement 3
00:16:29 Chapter 4. Surface waves at self-complementary metasurfaces
00:16:36 Chapter 4: Babinet's inversion principle
00:17:30 Chapter 4: intrinsic hyperbolicity of self-complementary metasurface
00:18:42 Chapter 4: Surface waves at self-complementary metasurface
00:19:14 Chapter 4: Field distribution
00:20:06 Chapter 4: Simultaneous polarization degeneracy and canalization
00:20:39 Statement 4
00:21:03 Publications list

00:21:58 Discussions of the format
00:22:48 Comment by Dr. Maxim Gorlach
00:24:46 Questions by Dr. Roman Savelev
00:28:48 Comments by Dr. Andrey Bogdanov and Dr. Roman Savelev
00:29:54 Question by Dr. Anton Samusev
00:32:11 Questions by Dr. Mihail Petrov
00:34:48 Question by Dr. Maxim Gorlach
00:35:52 Comment by Dr. Andrey Bogdanov
00:36:32 Comment by Dr. Maxim Gorlach
00:37:08 Comment by Dr. Anton Samusev
00:37:40 Question by Dr. Maxim Gorlach
00:38:46 Question by Dr. Anton Samusev

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The Department of Physics and Engineering of ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) hosts online weekly seminars to discuss recent scientific achievements of researchers from all over the world with a wide audience. The topics include experimental (Optical seminar) and theoretical (Theoretical seminar) aspects of nanophotonics, solid-state physics, material science, as well as design and applications of radiofrequency structures and devices (Microwave seminar).

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