Manatee's Squirrel and Stubby

Описание к видео Manatee's Squirrel and Stubby

It's a sea cow takeover, as we take a look back at female manatee calves, Scampi and Squirrel's journey to Manatee Coast at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium through the Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership (MRP). Here, they will receive care so that they can continue to grow and gain enough weight to survive on their own. At 133 pounds, Squirrel is one of the smallest manatee calves we have ever received through the program, while Scampi weighs approximately 200 pounds. Once the manatees are ready, the Columbus Zoo will work with other MRP partners and help Squirrel and Scampi return to Florida to prepare for release back to the waters where they were found.

Scampi was rescued with her mom, Jumbo who sustained injuries from a boat strike. Unfortunately, Jumbo did not survive. Squirrel, only a few months old at the time of her rescue, was found alone, hovering around a large rock as if it were her mom.

Both Scampi and Squirrel came to us after receiving initial care at Miami Seaquarium. Since arriving at the Columbus Zoo, both calves—especially Squirrel—have established a bond with Manatee Coast habitat long-term resident, Stubby. Due to Stubby's extensive injuries from a boat strike, she is considered to be a conditionally non-releasable animal. Her condition is evaluated every five years to determine if she is ready or not to return to Florida, but it is unlikely that she will move out of this category. Instead, she has voluntarily assumed the role of a surrogate mother, looking after the more than 30 manatees that have entered the Zoo's rehabilitation program since its launch in 1999. She’s amazing!

Manatees face several challenges in their native range, including water pollution, loss of habitat and boat strikes. Stop by Manatee Coast during your next visit to the Columbus Zoo to show your support for manatees. #ManateeAwarenessMonth


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