Tyson Yoshi - Gluestick Fest: Home Edition (Day 1)

Описание к видео Tyson Yoshi - Gluestick Fest: Home Edition (Day 1)

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Tyson Yoshi is a Hong Kong independent R&B and hip-hop artist and is best known as the new rising pop music star. With over 80K followers and subscribers on both Instagram and YouTube, his content has over 2M total views since 2018.

Tyson Yoshi has collaborated and performed with MADBOII, TIAB, TomaFatKi, MARZ23 from Taiwan, as well as artists from other regions. His debut album “1st” was released in August 2019 and has generated over 47K streaming on Spotify and over 1M streaming on YouTube till this day.

In 2019, he was featured on SCMP HK, Cool-style TW, The Stand News HK for his album “1st” and his “1st” music concert in TTN.

Our favourite top hits include "Christy," "BAE" and "To My Queen."

Find out more about Tyson Yoshi via the links below:
Facebook:   / tysonxyoshi  
Instagram:   / tysonyoshi  
YouTube:    / @tysonyoshi  
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3dayh...

Don't forget to check out our recap videos of Gluestick's previous shows and our video podcast series GlueTube!

Tyson Yoshi喺香港獨立R&B、hip-hop藝人,亦係香港嘅人氣新晉歌手。佢嘅Instagram同YouTube擁有超過8萬人追蹤, 同時自2018年起,佢為觀眾帶嚟嘅內容已經有超過200萬嘅點播率。

Tyson Yoshi曾經同多位藝人合作,包括來自台灣嘅MADBOII、TomaFatKi、MARZ23,仲有其他地區嘅藝人。佢喺2019年8月發佈首張個人專輯"1st",分別喺Spotify以及YouTube吸引超4萬7千同100萬點撃率。 喺2019年,Tyson Yoshi嘅首張個人專輯"1st",同埋喺TTN首個個人演唱會,亦都有各個媒體報導,包括南華早報、台灣媒體Cool-style以及立場新聞。

我哋推介嘅熱門歌曲包括 "Christy"、"BAE"同埋"To My Queen"。

想了解Tyson Yoshi更多,可以點撃下面嘅連結:
Facebook:   / tysonxyoshi  
Instagram:   / tysonyoshi  
YouTube:    / @tysonyoshi  
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3dayh...

記得去埋我哋Gluestick個YouTube chanel睇埋之前所有演出嘅精華片段,再收睇我哋嘅GlueTube視像訪問系列!


As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to impact our local community, we at Gluestick have partnered with HandsOn Hong Kong for “Gluestick Fest: Home Edition” to raise funds and awareness for COVID-19 relief efforts. The two-day online live stream event will feature 13 artists who will first perform on YouTube, then partake in a Q&A session on Instagram Live shortly after.

All proceeds will be donated to HandsOn Hong Kong to support their ongoing coronavirus relief programs and their day to day operations for our local community and those in need. Through music, we hope to gather like-minded enthusiasts and to showcase unity in combating this pandemic together.

近月新型肺炎持續影響香港各界,當中並非每個階層都有足夠資源丶能力去應付生活上嘅改變同困難。我哋Gluestick同HandsOn Hong Kong將會合作舉辦“Gluestick Fest: Home Edition”慈善網上音樂節,為社區防疫以及後續支援工作出一分力。音樂節會分兩日係YouTube舉行,由13位海外加本地藝人為大家帶嚟演出。藝人喺演出之後仲會去到Instagram同大家即時互動。

音樂節所籌得嘅款項將會捐去HandsOn Hong Kong,投放喺本地疫情支援工作。通過音樂,我哋希望可以將大家凝聚一齊,支持社會上其他有需要嘅社群,共同抗疫。


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