Studer folkekunst ved USN på campus Rauland

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Ved Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg kan du ta årsstudium og bachelor i folkekunst på campus Rauland. Studiet i folkekunst gjev deg moglegheit til å fordjupe deg i eit handverk innan tre, metall eller tekstil, til å utforme eigne produkt og utvikle dine kreative evner.

Les meir om studietilbodet:

Les meir om dei andre studietilboda ved campus Rauland:[campus]=Rauland

At campus Rauland the University of South-Eastern Norway offer a one year programme and several exchange courses in Norwegian Folk Art.

The one-year programme in Norwegian Folk Art aims to provide students with a theoretical and practical introduction to Norwegian folk art. By “folk art”, we mean those art forms developed in Norwegian rural areas up until the present day. Students may decide whether they want to work with wood, metal or textiles.

Read more about the study program at:

Read more about all the programmes being offered at campus Rauland:[campus]=Rauland

The University College at Southeast Norway - Knowledge for the future.


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