Edison Format [Duelingbook] #1 - Cloudian [Fairy] v HERO Frogs

Описание к видео Edison Format [Duelingbook] #1 - Cloudian [Fairy] v HERO Frogs

So, this is my first delve into Edison Format, and it's actually a very enjoyable change of pace compared to the modern day game. Of course, using one of my beloved Archetypes of old, Cloudians.

Yes, I know they are bad, but they are just funny, especially the non once per turn ones. Anyway, I know I did a few misplays, but I'm still getting used to everything in this format!

This video will be Cloudians, with the help of a select few fairy monsters, take on HERO Frogs.

I pray that one day we get some decent support, even if its only three cards!


Game 1: 00:00 - 1:52
Game 2: 1:58 - 3:32
Game 3: 3:38 - 6:13


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