USA - OAS Head Gaviria Wants Cuba's Reinstatement

Описание к видео USA - OAS Head Gaviria Wants Cuba's Reinstatement

(16 Sep 1994) Cesar Gaviria, installed on Thursday (15/9) as the new
secretary-general of the Organization of American States,
recommended the full reintegration of Cuba into the inter-American
community of nations. He said there is regional consensus on the
issue. Cuba was suspended from the OAS in 1964 when several member
countries accused Havana of aiding guerrillas throughout Latin

Formerly the president of Columbia, Gaviria predicted the return of Haitian President-in-exile Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the Caribbean island nation.


Former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria being sworn in as
secretary-general of the Organisation of American States (OAS)
ceremonial platform table
Gaviria making inauguration speech at the Washington headquarters
of the OAS
CA members of audience shows back of head of US secretary of state
Warren Christopher
being sworn in by president of OAS permanent council Ambassador
Cesar Alvarez Guadamuz of Guatemala
Gaviria at podium, speaking in Spanish about President Aristide of

ends 1.20 vision

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