Lawn Disease | Brown Patch | Dollar Spot | Rust | TruGreen

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Lawn Disease - Find out more about TruGreen at

Lawn disease can happen anywhere and to any kind of lawn, no matter how healthy you think your lawn is. Some common lawn diseases you might encounter are brown patch, rust, and dollar spot. Brown patch is a lawn fungus that commonly starts out as a small brown spot and then quickly spreads. Dollar spot, most common in the early summer, is another type of quick-
spreading lawn fungus. Have you ever seen orange-colored grass blades? They are most likely infected by a lawn disease known as rust. If you suspect that your lawn is unhealthy and has one of these lawn diseases, it's best to call the lawn disease experts at TruGreen. Visit or call 1.866.688.6722 today. You'll be well on your way to having a lawn you love.


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