Podcasts For Organizations: Think Twice Before Hitting Record!

Описание к видео Podcasts For Organizations: Think Twice Before Hitting Record!

Embarking on a podcast for an organization or non-profit? "Podcasts For Organizations: Think Twice Before Hitting Record!" offers crucial advice on content ownership, legal considerations, and strategic planning before launching your podcast. Whether you're hosting, producing, or both, understanding who owns the podcast content—especially in organizational settings—is vital. This video, inspired by viewer Karrie Bond's question, delves into the complexities of podcasting within an organizational framework, highlighting the importance of clear agreements and legal advice to safeguard your interests and those of the organization.

Key Insights:

Navigating content ownership in organizational podcasts.
The significance of legal advice in podcasting agreements.
Strategies for a mutually beneficial podcasting arrangement.
Considerations for hosting and production costs.

Time Codes:
00:00 - Introduction to Organizational Podcasting Concerns
01:15 - Viewer Question: Content Ownership in Non-Profits
02:30 - Who Owns the Podcast Content?
03:45 - The Importance of Legal Advice and Agreements
04:30 - Strategies for Successful Organizational Podcasting

👇 Discover More Valuable Resources Below 👇

🎙️ Looking for Podcast Equipment Recommendations?
Start your podcasting journey with the Essential Equipment Guide:
🔗 http://www.theshanman.com/p/quickstar...

🚀 Ready to Launch Your Podcast but Unsure of the Steps?
Secure your podcast's success with the Podcast Launch Checklist:
🔗 https://www.theshanman.com/pages/podc...

📈 Aiming to Monetize Your Podcast?
Discover monetization strategies with the Podcasting Payouts eBook:
🔗 https://www.theshanman.com/pages/podc...

#PodcastingForOrganizations #PodcastOwnership


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