1962, मुग़ल, लद्दाख - चीन के स्कूल भारत के बारे में क्या पढ़ाते हैं? | China Textbooks | Tarikh E696

Описание к видео 1962, मुग़ल, लद्दाख - चीन के स्कूल भारत के बारे में क्या पढ़ाते हैं? | China Textbooks | Tarikh E696


Tarikh Episode 696

In this episode Divyanshi talks about the view about india in Chinese history extbooks and among scholars. The relationship between India and China spans millennia, characterized by periods of cooperation, cultural exchange, and occasional conflict. Historical interactions between the two civilizations involved trade, diplomatic relations, and the spread of religious and philosophical ideas, particularly Buddhism from India to China.
Chinese intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries viewed India as a cautionary example, emphasizing its perceived weaknesses in the face of colonial domination. Figures like Kang Youwei advocated for China's modernization, drawing inspiration from Japan's successful transformation while regarding India's subjugation as a warning against complacency.
In recent decades, economic engagement and diplomatic dialogues have sought to manage differences and promote cooperation. However, episodes like the 2020 border clash in eastern Ladakh have reignited old grievances and highlighted the need for deeper understanding and communication between the two nations.

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Produced By: The Lallantop
Edited By: Alok Sahu


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