Покупка Саади обручального кольца для женитьбы на Фатиме

Описание к видео Покупка Саади обручального кольца для женитьбы на Фатиме

In this video, we see a story from the life of Saadi and Fatima. Saadi has gone into the city today and is looking for a wedding ring for Fatima, the woman he is going to marry. He then goes to the market and makes purchases from different shops. He buys sweets from Fatima for the marriage ceremony.

In another part of the story, Fateme Negar calls her daughter and talks to her about the hardships of life. They realize they have to work to pay the rent. Fatemeh tells Negar that she has a plan to make money from selling garbage. They go out into the desert and collect garbage so they can sell it. During this work, Fatima gets tired and expresses her frustration, asking why their living conditions are so difficult.

Fatemeh tells Negar that in order to get more financial help, they should go to the house of a sick woman and help her. The woman says that she is unable to wash the carpet in her house and asks for Fatimah's help. Fatima goes to that woman's house with Negar and they wash the carpet there. The woman apologizes to Fatima and gives her a bank card so that she can buy food for her children and cover part of the rent.

In the end, Fatima thanks the sick woman and returns home and takes her children with her. This story shows that sometimes help and sympathy can improve living conditions and create hope and motivation in human hearts.


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