How to Disable Two-Sided Printing on Mac (Permanently)

Описание к видео How to Disable Two-Sided Printing on Mac (Permanently)

How to Permanently Disable 2-Sided Printing on Mac: In this video, I'll show you how to stop your Mac from printing double-sided.


1. Open Terminal.

2. Enter: cupsctl WebInterface=yes (then hit enter and close Terminal).

3. Open any web browser and go to localhost:631 (hit enter).

4. Click "Printers" in top right.

5. Click on your printer.

6. To the right of the "Maintenance" drop-down menu, select "Set Default Options" from the other drop-down menu.

7. Look for "2-sided printing" or "two-sided" (and change settings).

8. Click "Set Default Options" and enter username and password for Mac Operating System.

And that's it. That's how you permanently stop your Mac from double-sided printing.

Hope that helps :)


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