Valeton Dapper Bass Mini DEMO + REVIEW | Boost, Compressor, Preamp, Chorus, Tuner, DI Pedalboard!

Описание к видео Valeton Dapper Bass Mini DEMO + REVIEW | Boost, Compressor, Preamp, Chorus, Tuner, DI Pedalboard!

Compact multi-effects pedalboard for both bass and guitar! Subtle to squish compressor, light to solemnly epic or crazy chorus, and a wonderful preamp with light distortion and EQ to reach any tones: from vintage loud mids to modern mid-scooped madness and everything in between. Watch out for the BASS control: as with its modelers, Valeton doesn't mince words when it comes to extreme clear bass!

What would we add to it? As always, batteries would be nice, but we understand the Dapper's high headroom in THREE independent effects is tough to achieve at low enough current to make them feasible. Other than that, have it as a grab and go solution, or integrate it onto a compact pedalboard for your amp (or even alone with your amp!), the Dapper Bass Mini will guarantee you most of your basic plugged bass and guitar needs.

Pro Tip: set the Bass Amp gain to three quarters, and only engage the Boost/Comp as a sustainer and driver for higher gain, or light and compressed play. And for a bit of movement and intrigue in your bass tones, set the chorus to low RATE and DEPTH: just enough to hear it work it's magic. Yeah, we usually go none-more-dry with our reviews, but Valeton really rocks with their creations. Let'em have it: the Valeton Dapper Bass Mini is epic and you NEED to try and get one too!

From the amazing folks at Valeton, the best deal you'll ever get for a modeller, BY FAR. Have a look at all their wonderful creations here:
  / valeton_music  

We use sE Electronics microphones! The T2 is the be-all end-all LDC. From the only TITANIUM sputtered capsule microphone manufacturer in the world. Compact lollipop design (hangs from cab), the 4 polar patterns (all useful), extremely accurate frequency response 20Hz to 20kHz, great transient response and durability make it THE objective choice for us. Nothing else we tried compared to it. Our T2 shall never leave us: one of the best microphone designs in history.
  / seelectronics  

We use Klotz AIS cables! LaGrange and Titanium series cables are just what the pandas ordered for utmost signal integrity and noise free operation, every single day!
  / klotzcables  
  / klotzais  

We use Triton Audio products to protect our dynamic mics from phantom power 48V when going stereo. Try their Phantom Blocker, FetHead Transformer and other mic preamp devices right here:

The RIG:
(GUITAR part)
Fender American Original 50's Stratocaster (all stock, except stainless steel frets)
Pure Vintage '59 single coil bridge pickup

(BASS part)
Ibanez EHB 1505 5 string BASS (passive mode, all stock)
Nordstrand™ Custom Big Split Humbucker bridge pickup

Valeton Dapper Bass Mini

(BOTH parts)
Orange OR15
set as in the video

(GUITAR part)
Friedman PT112
Celestion G12M-65 Creamback
16 ohms (matched impedance)

(BASS part)
HESU B110 Bass Standard Cabinet
1x 10" Hesu Phoenix Ceramic
tweeter turned off
8 ohm (matched impedance)

(BOTH parts)
LEFT: sE Electronics T2 (set cardioid)
RIGHT: Sennheiser E906 (+ Triton Audio FetHead Transformer)
both slightly off axis, on the grill

(BOTH parts)
Presonus Studio 68c

(BOTH parts)
no post processing

Music & Animations by Pair of Pandas, all rights reserved.

We are Pair of Pandas! ʕ。◠㉨◠。ʔʕ。◠㉨◠。ʔ We make gear demos, comics, manga and music! Follow us on social media for the mightiest red panda comics:
  / pairofpandas  

And of course, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel for gear demos, gear unboxing, gear shootouts, gear gear and music!!! ʕ˵◕ᴥ◕˵ʔʕ˵◕ᴥ◕˵ʔ
#valeton #pedalboard #minipedalboard

Time Stamps! ฅʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔฅ

00:00 Unboxing
00:36 Dapper Bass Mini into amp
13:25 Straight to interface
27:01 What about guitars?


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