Killmonger kills Tony Stark | Killmonger Vs Tony Stark | Death of Ironman | What if...? S01 E06

Описание к видео Killmonger kills Tony Stark | Killmonger Vs Tony Stark | Death of Ironman | What if...? S01 E06

This Tony meets his end — the third time in this series, by the way — after Killmonger impales him with a Dora Milaje spear. It turns out he's a bad guy and not the savior he looked like he might have been in the episode's opening. This Killmonger is very much the same version we met in "Black Panther" — a vengeful man always thinking two steps ahead. He uses Tony for his intellect and resources to build soldier drones which he uses later in the episode and effectively ends his new friend's life when he's no longer needed.Marvel Studios' What if...? S01 E06. #Killmonger, #blackpanther, #ironman, #marvel, .


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