What is Electronic oscillators Circuit in tamil

Описание к видео What is Electronic oscillators Circuit in tamil

Types of Oscillator circuits
An oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a periodic signal. If the oscillator produces sinusoidal oscillations, it is called as a sinusoidal oscillator. It converts the input energy from a DC source into an AC output energy of a periodic signal. This periodic signal will be having a specific frequency and amplitude.
The above figure mainly consists of two blocks: an amplifier and a feedback network.The feedback network takes a part of the output of amplifier as an input to it and produces a voltage signal. This voltage signal is applied as an input to the amplifier.
The block diagram of a sinusoidal oscillator shown above produces sinusoidal oscillations, when the following two conditions are satisfied −

The loop gain AvβAvβ of the above block diagram of sinusoidal oscillator must be greater than or equal to unity. Here, AvAv and ββ are the gain of amplifier and gain of the feedback network, respectively.

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