鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 假如夢兒是真的 If Dreams Could Be True

Описание к видео 鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 假如夢兒是真的 If Dreams Could Be True

This song is included in this channel's Playlist: 島國之情歌第七集 (1989)    • 島國之情歌第七集 -假如我是真的  
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夢 Dream    • 鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 夢 Dream  

島國之情歌第七集假如我是真的 (1981)
原本,我本來打算上傳她個人表演的片段。 台灣電視台擁有版權。上傳該剪輯將使此頻道面臨被暫停的巨大危險。

Island Love Songs Album Number 7 (1981), it was also one of the songs in her You Are At The Outpost Concert for the troops in Taiwan in 1981.

Originally, I had planned on uploading her live version. But that clip is owned and copyrighted by Taiwan TV. To upload that clip would have placed this YouTube channel in great danger of being suspended.


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