Surrender || Hellsing Ultimate AMV

Описание к видео Surrender || Hellsing Ultimate AMV

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A full AMV from me?! HOLY SHIT.

YouTube, could you stop with the shitty thumbnails? Thanks -______-

Ok so this is my first full AMV in years. The last time I made an entire full one was when I was still on my old channel (so about...4 years at least?) xD I didn't originally intend for this to be a full, but I loved the song so I figured, 'why not?'. But don't get used to this xD It's a rare occurrence :'D I'm happy that I finished this one up though.

Thank you to everyone who beta tested this thing ^^

****All song/anime/program info can be found at 3:20 ****

Some Updates:

I'm still doing my summer job, and honestly I kind of like it now - Except for the fact that they have us all working 6 days a week for the rest of the month -__- My coworkers are all just as perverted as I am, so we get along pretty well xD I think I'll take the job again when it starts back up in February. I'll still be working my other job in the mean time, and working on a few personal projects of my own.

I got my DSLR camera the other month and I love it ^w^ It set me back quite a bit money-wise, but I think it was worth it. Now to save up for more zoom lenses ~__~

I'm still doing digital art a lot. I draw mostly Pokemon and Canines. You can check out my DeviantArt here:
I'm much more active on there than I am here on YouTube~

Once this summer job ends, I'll have a bit more free time. I have a few other short-ish AMVs that I'll be working on then. I might even do a Black Lagoon or a Black Butler AMV sometime in the future for some variety~

That's all that I can think of for now. Hope you guys enjoy the video~


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