Walstad Betta Tank Ep.5 - Low Tech Aquarium - No Filter, No Ferts, No CO2, no water change

Описание к видео Walstad Betta Tank Ep.5 - Low Tech Aquarium - No Filter, No Ferts, No CO2, no water change

from day 1 to day 560 of walstad method in a 20lt aquarium. no filter, no water change.

hi guys, welcome back
over one and half year ago i decided to set up a walstad tank to keep a betta splendens and a colony of red cherry shrimps.
in the episode 5 you'll see big changes about the look of the aquarium.
the plants are growing fast, Frankenstein is doing great, his color pattern has changed since he arrived (he's stunningly beautiful)

the aquarium is also home of a colony of melanoides tuberculata (malaysian trumpet snails)
many people see aquatic snails as a pest, instead tey help the tank, they will keep your tank clean from left over food.
in addition the Malayan trumpets are active diggers, they dig into the ground to find shelter from predators and in search of food.
doing so, all the organic matter deposited on the bottom will be brought under the sand, becoming brand new soil for the plants.
in fact is better having a thick layer of sand or gravel in a walstad aquarium.

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enjoy guys, see you soon with a new video

Ep.1    • Ep.1 Natural Betta Tank SETUP - Low T...  
Ep.2    • Ep.2 LIFE - Betta Tank -Low Tech Aqua...  
Ep.3    • Ep.3 BALANCE - Betta Tank -Low Tech A...  
Ep.4    • Betta Tank SETUP (1Year) - Low Tech A...  

down here the links for some of the stuff i've used:
lights: https://amzn.to/30xazkX
substrate: https://amzn.to/2UD8xw5
sand: https://amzn.to/30yMBWI


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