Rhino Beginner’s Course, Part 5: From 2D Curves to 3D Forms

Описание к видео Rhino Beginner’s Course, Part 5: From 2D Curves to 3D Forms

In this video you’ll get some practice making 2d geometry – often using snaps to ensure clean, usable results – and we’ll also cover some methods for translating the curves into 3d geometry. Along the way we’ll work with a few toolbar submenus so you’ll better understand some of the options available in Rhino.

1:10 - Pipe
2:00 - Spiral
3:15 - Sweep 1
4:22 - Sweep 2
7:39 - Planar surface
7:53 - Cap
7:58 - Extrude surface
8:09 - Boolean Union
9:03 - Line perpendicular to two curves
9:20 - Line tangent to two curves
9:57 - Extrude curve
10:12 - Curve Boolean
12:35 - Planar surface
12:43 - Extrude surface
12:59 - Ellipse
13:28 - Arc
14:28 - Fillet Corner
14:44 - Three-point Rectangle
15:22 - Helix
15:59 - Blend curve
16:43 - Insert control point
16:56 - Delete control points
17:03 - Pipe (continued)
17:25 - Loft
18:52 - Loft (Straight sections)
19:35 - Loft (using Star shape)

Keywords: Rhino 3d, tutorial, introduction, beginner's course, CAD, computer-aided design, modeling, getting started, McNeel.


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