WORST security guard in MLB (Minute Maid Park)

Описание к видео WORST security guard in MLB (Minute Maid Park)

This guy is so rude that it's almost a joke -- except it's not funny. He was getting in people's faces, shouting at them, and even TOUCHED one fan who was calmly trying to get Jose Abreu's autograph before the game. These fans were ticketed IN THAT SECTION, and the guard wouldn't let them down to the front row, and by the way, this guard had been rude to me the day before, and he'd been rude the previous season when I visited Houston for two games, so it's not an isolated incident. This is extremely disappointing. As I said in the video, this is a baseball game -- it's supposed to be fun.

ANYway, aside from all of that nonsense, it was a great day overall. Before the game started, I got to play catch from the stands with two players and also had a pair of fun conversations -- one with White Sox catcher Rob Brantly and the other with Astros bullpen catcher Carlos Munoz. (Great guys! What IS it about catchers?) I also ate some amazing tacos, explored the newly-renovated area behind the center field wall, and saw the Astros inch closer to the postseason with another win.

This video was filmed on September 20, 2017. Thanks for watching.


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