"Waldorf Streichfett String Synthesizer: My Honest Review"

Описание к видео "Waldorf Streichfett String Synthesizer: My Honest Review"

I first saw this unit about 8 years ago and posted it on a vision board. Little did i know that i would be rocking this some years later. It's definitely not for everybody but i do hear this in Pop, Rock, Indie, and Cinematic music as well.

These mini-synths are really great for beginners looking to get in the game. Simply connect via USB to get it to talk to your DAW then connect by way of 1/4 inch cables to your Audio interface.

Use an External Instrument Plug-in (Software Instrument) and/or use an Audio Track (be sure to set the inputs and record into your DAW).

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Logic Pro is a powerful DAW that everybody can use to create Professional Sounding Music Productions.

With this channel, I want to introduce Logic Pro to as many people as possible to teach them how to use it to improve their productions skills, write better music, and ultimately, monetize their music.

I am an Apple Certified T3 Logic Pro Trainer and the proud creator of the Logic Pro curriculum created for Learnquest (an Apple Training Provider).

I create my courses for the "Modern Creative". This is today's beat makers, song writers, composers, producers etc. who are looking for a new and comprehensive way to learn all things Music Production.

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