TAPAK Mangrove Forest Ambience Virtual walking Tambak bandeng Tugu Semarang virtual Travel

Описание к видео TAPAK Mangrove Forest Ambience Virtual walking Tambak bandeng Tugu Semarang virtual Travel

TAPAK Mangrove Forest Ambience Virtual walking Tambak bandeng Tugu Semarang in Virtual Travel Cahanel
Mangrove plants are also called mangroves or nyamplung. In Tapak there are 2 types of mangroves planted, namely Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata. Planting mangroves is an effort to prevent coastal erosion. Mangrove plants also function as biofilters for water pollution because they have the ability to accumulate heavy metals originating from industrial wastewater. Apart from the mangrove trees above, Excoecaria aghalloca, Brugueira cylindrical, and Xylocarpus mocullensis were found.
The Tugurejo Mangrove Forest area is a good habitat for various types of fauna, especially water birds. In this area there are 447 individuals of 38 bird species from 21 families (tribes) and 10 orders or nations (Green Community and Prenjak, 2012). It's easy to see several types of birds carrying out various activities, such as rock grouse, great egrets, and so on.

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