5 Reasons He'll Get Sick of You

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You’re in a happy, loving relationship and all seems right in the world. As time passes, you notice that your boyfriend, who was once overly affectionate and attentive has started to get sick of you and slip away.

The bittersweet news, is that it’s probably your fault.

Hey ladies, Amy North here, thanks for popping up by channel. For those of you who are visiting for the first time, welcome, and for those of you who are already subscribers, welcome back. If this is your first time visiting, then allow me to introduce myself. As I already mentioned, my name is Amy and I’m a relationship coach from western Canada. I specialize in women’s dating and relationship advice, and I’ve also written two

1. You’re insecure

You’ve probably heard this a million times, but I’m going to say it again: men are attracted to confident women. So then, if you’re constantly complaining about your body, comparing yourself to other women, or putting other women down, then he’s without doubt going to get sick of listening to your insecurities.

The good news though, is this is a really easy fix. You simply have to stop with all of this negative talk and instead adopt a positive attitude. Of course it can be tough to radiate confidence, especially if there are things about yourself that you’d like to change or wish were different.

BUT, here’s the thing. I’m willing to bet that when you and your man first got together, you weren’t acting or speaking insecurely, and it’s only since you’ve become comfortable with him that he’s seeing this side. So go back to that same early-day mentality, and keep your words positive.

2. You’re clingy

It’s completely normal to want to spend all of your time with the guy who’s stolen your heart, but that doesn’t mean you should expect this.

Acting clingy, or getting upset or angry when your boyfriend wants to spend his time doing other things or with friends will not only make you look desperate, but it’ll also push him away.

If you show him that you have no life outside of the relationship then he’s going to feel pressured to keep you happily entertained. That’s a lot of pressure, and chances are he won’t stick around long enough to take on this near impossible task.

3. You’re bossy

The way you and your boyfriend communicate is bound to change as you get to know one another better, and become more comfortable with each other. Meaning the filter you have with your words in the early days will likely loosen and become more flexible over time.

While this can be a great thing, it’s also a dangerous one.

If your words go from kind and compromising, to demanding and aggressive then he’s going to get sick of your crappy attitude.

4. You’re straight up mean to him

Would you ever want to date someone who constantly put you down, told you that your ideas or ambitions were stupid or a waste of time, or who didn’t support you whatsoever. The answer is no, absolutely not.

Well, guess what? Neither do men.

If you’re mean to your boyfriend, make him feel undesirable, unintelligent, unworthy, or unloved then he’s going to get sick of you.

What so many people fail to realize is that abuse comes in many different forms, and words hurt. If what you are saying isn’t kind then he will get sick of you and more than likely, leave for good.

5. You don’t like his friends

Expecting you to like every person your boyfriend associates with is one thing, but if you find a reason to dislike all of your man’s mates then he may get sick of you.

Here’s the thing. Most of your boyfriend’s friends were likely in his life before he ever started dating you. They know things about him that he wouldn’t dare tell you, and they want him to be happy.

Well that’s just about a wrap for this video, thanks for watching. If there are any other reasons why guys get sick of their girlfriends or wives that you’d like to add to this list then please share those in the comments section below, along with any questions you may have for me. I always love hearing from you and I’ll do my best to reply as soon as possible.

So ladies, until next time take care and good luck!


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