2024 EuroLLVM - Faster Compilation with GlobalISel: Skipping LLVM-IR

Описание к видео 2024 EuroLLVM - Faster Compilation with GlobalISel: Skipping LLVM-IR

2024 European LLVM Developers' Meeting
Faster Compilation with GlobalISel: Skipping LLVM-IR
Slides: https://llvm.org/devmtg/2024-04/slide...
In a GlobalISel-based back-end, LLVM-IR is first translated to generic Machine IR (gMIR), which is then selected into target instructions. Instead of generating LLVM-IR, we emit gMIR directly and skip the first part of the code generation pipeline. For our application, this improved compile-times by ~20%. In this talk, we present how to work with gMIR, show how common IR constructs are lowered for GlobalISel, and discuss the performance of LLVM's instruction selectors.
Videos Edited by Bash Films: http://www.BashFilms.com


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